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IST Austria: Call for PhD students 2015
The Graduate School at IST Austria invites applicants from all countries to its PhD program. The language of the Graduate School is English. The PhD program combines advanced coursework and research, with a focus on Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience, Biology and interdisciplinary areas. IST Austria offers internationally competitive PhD salaries supporting 4-5 years of study. Applicants must hold either a BA or MA degree or equivalent.
For students wishing to enter the program in the fall of 2015, the deadline for application is January 15, 2015.
Student Visit Day, November 15 2014
We invite students interested in doing their PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience, or Biology, to our Visit Day and to get to know IST informally.
You will be shown around campus and attend presentations by different research groups about their work. You will have the opportunity to meet our faculty members who will give you a glimpse into what their current research is about.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get an idea about our faculty members’ fields of research and meet personally with students already enrolled in our program. The Visit Day is designed for you to discover the rewards of starting your career as a researcher with us.
The Visit Day on November 15, 2014, will start at 11am. A shuttle bus from the subway stop U4 Heiligenstadt will be arranged to take people to campus. The shuttle will be leaving Heiligenstadt at 10.30am. Please register for the event and the bus at least three days in advance online:http://ist.ac.at/de/veranstaltungen/oeffentliche-veranstaltungen/2014/student-visit-day-2014/date/173/
For more information, please visit our website at: https://ist.ac.at/en/graduate-school/