Environmental lawsuit against the Austrian state

Why is a lawsuit being filed?

In Austria, an area of 11.5 hectares, or 16 football fields, is built up every day. For shopping centres, parking spaces and housing. That is 4 times as much as the target value of max. 2.5 hectares per day actually set by the government. Austria is thus among the European leaders in concreting over nature. There is no soil protection strategy. There is no efficient climate protection law!

Who is suing whom?

The Austrian NGO AllRise, which has already filed a lawsuit against Jair Bolsonaro at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest in autumn 2021, now wants to take another step for climate and nature protection. AllRise is suing the Republic of Austria to stop the destruction of domestic land.
Because soil protection is climate protection.

See: https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000144954174/ngo-will-oesterreich-wegen-zu-hohen-bodenverbrauchs-klagen

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